Media Release

Springhills DRI Substantial Deviation Request Staff Report is available

Monday, April 9, 2007 1:00 AM
5:10 p.m.
ALACHUA COUNTY - The Springhills Development of Regional Impact Substantial Deviation Request and Associated Comprehensive Plan Amendments staff report is available for public review here:
The staff report contains a very detailed review of the applicant's request and a staff recommendation for denial.  The bases for recommending denial include:
  • Inadequate transportation mitigation proposal
  • Proportional Share proposal that does not account for all of the impacts to the transportation system
  • Disproportionate concentration of regional commercial development in one location that is not justified by the market study
  • Failure to demonstrate consistency with Comp Plan policies requiring a compact integrated mix of land uses
The Public Hearing to discuss the Springhills request is scheduled for May 1, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. at the Santa Fe Community College E Building Lecture Hall (auditorium), 3000 NW 83rd St., Gainesville.
For more information about the staff report and the Springhills request, please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at (352) 374-5249.





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