Media Release

April Agriculture & Natural Resources Programs

Friday, March 23, 2012 11:15 AM
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ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - The Alachua County Cooperative Extension Office is pleased to announce the following Agriculture & Natural Resources Programs for April, 2012.  These programs will be conducted by Barton Wilder, Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent.  Unless otherwise stated, programs are held at the Alachua County Cooperative Extension Office (2800 NE 39th Avenue, Gainesville).

Limited Lawn and Ornamental License Workshop - April 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The workshop is open to the public; however, this license is only for government employees or private employees making pesticide application to private property owned by the employer.  This is not a commercial license.  Landscapers who want to make pesticide applications to plant beds or shrubs should attend the Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance License Workshop.  CEUs will be provided. 

The registration fee is $15.00 (includes meal). To register please call 325-337-6209 by April 3.

Disease Control Strategies for Agronomic Crops Workshop – April 10, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

This workshop will be held at the High Springs Public Library (135 NW 1st Avenue, High Springs). 

The main speaker for the workshop will be Dr. Nick Dufault, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Florida.  Dr. Dufault will be speaking on disease management and fungicide recommendations for peanuts, corn, soybeans, tobacco and cotton. 

The workshop is free and includes dinner.  To register please call 352-337-6209 by April 5. 

Right of Way & Natural Areas Weed Control Workshop – April 17, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Topics include: exotic weed identification and control, herbicides for natural areas and right of ways, principles of vegetation management and herbicide sprayer calibration.  3 CEUs will be available.

Registration fee $5.00.  To register please call 352-337-6209 by April 13.

Pond Workshop (Living on a Few Acres April Series Class) – April 19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

This is a new program for 2012, and will be held on the third Thursday of each month. The monthly Living on a Few Acres program is designed as an introduction to basic production techniques on a wide variety of topics from pasture management and livestock production to growing vegetables and alternative enterprises. The program is designed to provide information to individuals interested in beginning or improving a small scale agricultural operation.

The Pond Management session is for anyone interested in managing their pond for recreational fishing. Topics include: fish species selection, stocking rate, controlling fish diseases & parasites, aquatic weeds, and pond water quality.

Registration fee is $10.00 for individuals and $15.00 for couples for entire series (notebook and materials provided). To register please call 352-337-6209 by April 18.

For more information about these programs, contact Barton Wilder, Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, at 352-955-2402. Visit the Extension online calendar for additional programs offered by the Extension Office.

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Persons with disabilities needing special accommodate should contact the Extension Office at least 10 working days prior to the event so that special consideration can be given to the request.



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