Media Release

03-20-13 Planning Commission and 03-21-13 Development Review Committee Items

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 10:00 AM
Planning Commission

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet today, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at 6 p.m. The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings are in room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville.

Item for the Planning Commission

ZOM-02-13 (Rezoning)

A request by Alachua County, owners and agents, to change the zoning of Phifer Flatwoods Preserve from ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district to ‘P’ (Preservation) zoning district on approximately 622.68 acres generally located south of State Road 20 between County Road 234 and County Road 20-A on Tax Parcel Numbers 18027-001-000; 18035-002-000; 18144-001-001; 18113-001-002; 18111-001-000; 18105-001-000; 18105-002-000; 18235-000-000 and 18108-002-000. The future land use designation of all parcels is Preservation.

ZOM-03-13 (Rezoning)

A request by Alachua County, owners and agents, to rezone Barr Hammock from ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district to ‘P’ (Preservation) zoning district on approximately 5,719 acres located in South central Alachua County near the Alachua/Marion County line on Tax Parcel Numbers 07421-000-000; 07420-000-000; 16471-000-000; 16826-000-000; 16825-000-000; 16822-000-000; 07418-000-000; 07419-000-000; 07421-001-000; 16374-004-000; 16471-001-000; 16472-000-000; 16476-000-000; 16478-001-000; 16812-000-000; 16822-001-000; 16823-000-000; 16824-000-000; 16824-001-000; 16825-001-000; 16430-002-000; 16475-000-000 and 16844-001-000.

3. ZOM-04-13 (Rezoning)

A request by Alachua County, owners, to change the zoning designation of approximately 1,230 acres (Mill Creek Preserve) from Agriculture (A) to Preservation (P), located in the northwestern portion of Alachua County at the intersection of CR 241 and CR 236 on Tax Parcel Numbers 02847-000-000, 02844-000-000, 02886-000-000, 02878-000-000, 02851-000-000.

4. ZOM-06-13 (Rezoning)

A request by Alachua County, owners, to change the zoning designation of approximately 115 acres (Paynes Prairie Sweetwater Preserve) from Planned Development (PD) and Manufacturing and Services Industrial (MS) to Preservation (P), located southeast of the Gainesville city limits adjacent to Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park on Tax Parcel Number 16246-003-000.


5. CPA-01-13 (Comprehensive Plan Amendment)

A request by Craig Brashier of Causseaux, Hewett and Walpole, Inc., agent for William and Marilyn Deas, owners, to establish the Agricultural Enclave future land use designation and its required standards, including implementation by Planned Development rezoning, in Section 7, Implementation, of the Future Land Use Element in accordance with the requirements of section 163.3162(4), Florida Statutes, and to change the Future Land Use designation of approximately 136 acres from Rural/Agriculture (1 unit/5 acres) to the new Agricultural Enclave designation (assigning a density specific to the site of 0.8 units/acre in the proposed text), located southeast of the SW Archer Road (SR 24) / SW 107th Street intersection on Tax Parcel Numbers 07075-001-000, 07076-000-000, 07077-000-000 and 07093-000-000.

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Item for the Development Review Committee

Lutz Dock and Boathouse – A public hearing to consider a Final Development Plan and Floodplain Development Permit to construct a dock and boathouse exceeding the maximum enclosure width and 1,000 s.f.  Located on Little Lake Santa Fe in Keystone Heights, FL at 2410 SE 43rd Street.  Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Christine Berish at for further information.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.



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