Media Release

05-15-13 Planning Commission and 05-16-13 Development Review Committee Items

Thursday, May 9, 2013 2:30 PM
Planning Commission

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, at 6 p.m. The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings are in room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville.

Items for the Planning Commission

1. CPA-03-13 (Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment) The Planning Commission acting as the Local Planning Agency will consider a request by the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners to amend the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan: 2011-2030 by amending the Public School Facilities Element (“PSFE”) goals, objectives and policies relating to the public school concurrency review process, level of service standards, proportionate share mitigation, clarification of terminology, and other amendments to comply with the Community Planning Act of 2011, and related amendments to corresponding policies in the Capital Improvements Element (“CIE”) for consistency with the amendments to the PSFE and deleting the table of Public School Facilities Schedule of Capacity Projects 2011-2015 from the CIE.

2. ZOM-07-13 (Planned Development)
A request by Jay Brown or Brown and Cullen Inc., agent for ISKCON of Alachua Inc., owner, for a special exception for farmworker housing and a spiritual retreat, a special use permit for a private school, and a mixed-use PD (Planned Development) district to include the above uses and private residences on approximately 86.43 acres with a Land Use designation of Rural Agriculture (1 dwelling unit per 5 acres) located at 17306 NW 112th Boulevard on Tax Parcel Numbers 02987-001-000 and 03165-000-000.

3. ZOM-08-13 (Rezoning)
A request by multiple property owners to rezone approximately 77.50 total acres, comprised of 23 individual parcels, located southeast of Gainesville Regional Airport and north of NE 39th Avenue, including the following rezonings: from Industrial Manufacturing and Processing (‘MP’) to Single-Family Residential (‘R-1c’) (between 1 and 4 dwelling units per acre) for tax parcel number 08185-002-000, just east of Lamplighter Mobile Home Park and parcel number 08186-000-000, just west of NE 59th Street (these two parcels consisting of 2 acres designated Low Density Residential on the Future Land Use Map); from Industrial Manufacturing and Services (‘MS’) to Single- Family Residential (‘R-1c’) (between 1 and 4 dwelling units per acre) for tax parcel numbers 17745-001-000 and 17745-002-000, just east of NE 59th Street, and parcel numbers 17735-000-000, 17753-001-000, 17753-005-001, 17753-007-001, 17753-000- 000, 17753-002-000, 17753-003-000, 17753-006-000, 17753-005-000, and 17753-007- 000, located south of NE 27th Avenue (these twelve parcels consisting of approx. 16.50 acres designated Low Density Residential on the Future Land Use Map); and from Industrial Manufacturing and Services (‘MS’) to Single-Family Residential Estate (‘RE’) (maximum of 1 dwelling unit per 2 acres) for tax parcel numbers 17733-000-000 (portion north of NE 39th Ave.), 17733-002-000, 17747-000-000, 17747-001-000, 17749- 000-000, 17733-005-000, 17733-003-000, 17733-004-000, and 17731-004-000, generally located north of NE 27th Avenue (these nine parcels consisting of approx. 59 acres designated Estate Residential on the Future Land Use Map).

4. ZOX-01-13 (Special Exception)
A request by Gary Dounson of Gary Dounson & Associates, Inc., agent for Prairie View Trust, owner, for a special exception for a 1.5 MW ground-mounted solar photovoltaic array, which is considered a major utility, on approximately 9.18 acres in a RE (Residential Estate) zoning district with a land use designation of Residential 0-2 dwelling units per acre in the Idylwild/Serenola Special Area Study located at the 2300 block of SW 63rd Avenue on Tax Parcel Number 07142-000- 000

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Item for the Development Review Committee

Project 2013021302_RF
Revised Final Development Plan Review – Jonesville Business Park Mixed-Use Planned Development (PD) – Jonesville ACE Hardware – (revisions to building elevation/exterior facade of a previously approved retail building on a portion of 65.07 acres) - Section 03-T10-R18 – Located on a portion of Tax Parcel Number 04341-001-000 at the SW corner of NW 2nd Lane and NW 140th Terrace – Oelrich Construction, Inc. and Front Street – agents - Planned Development (PD) Zoning, Shopping Center Future Land Use Designation, Jonesville Activity Center, ZOM-06-08

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.



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