Media Release

Ancient Records Project Wins Preservation Award

Friday, March 21, 2014 3:30 PM
Ancient Records Project Wins Preservation AwardALACHUA COUNTY, FL - The Alachua County Clerk of Court’s Ancient Records Project, under the leadership of the Alachua County Clerk of Court J. K. Irby has been award the Florida State Genealogical Society (FSGS) 2014 Preservation Award. It will be presented at the 2014 FSGS Annual Conference in Gainesville, on Saturday, March 29.

FSGS is dedicated to promoting excellence in the field of genealogy. This award recognizes an organization proactive in preserving, protecting, abstracting, indexing and making historical records freely accessible to all those researching their Florida ancestors.

The Ancient Records Coordinator and Webmaster in the Clerk’s office is Jim Powell, a past recipient of the FSGS Florida Genealogy Outstanding Achievement Award.  The project has been supported by thousands of hours of volunteer participation and has made available nearly half a million images of Alachua County records online.  County records that may be searched on the project’s website include Marriages, 1837-1973; Deeds, 1820s-mid1950s; all Will Books; County Commission Minutes, 1846-1992, as well as many other books, maps, and plats.  The website also contains a virtual museum and historic photograph collection.

Visit the Ancient Records website. 

A project such as this depends on an active group of volunteers.  A Facebook page for volunteers provides a vehicle through which the volunteers share information and encouragement.

Visit the Ancient Records Volunteers Facebook page.

The success of this project is the result of the coordinated effort made by the citizens and government of Alachua County to the benefit of all who are interested in Florida history and genealogy.

Watch a short video about Jim Powell and the Ancient Records Archives.

For more information, contact FSGS Award Chair, Kearby Parker at or the Alachua County Clerk of Court J. K. Irby at 352-491-4423.



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