Media Release

04-16-14 Planning Commission and 04-17-14 Development Review Committee Items

Friday, April 11, 2014 2:15 PM
Planning Commission

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday April 16, 2014, at 6 p.m. The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday April 17, 2014, at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings are in room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville.

Items for the Planning Commission

CPA-03-14 (Small-Scale Map Amendment) and ZOM-02-14 (Rezoning) - A request by Clay Sweger of Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc., agent, for Forest Meadows FH&C, Inc. applicant, for a small-scale map amendment changing the Future Land Use designation from Institutional to Office.  The application is being made in conjunction with a rezoning request (ZOM-02-14).  The parcel is presently part of the Forest Meadows Cemetery located on NW 143rd Street north of Newberry Road.  The applicant wishes to remove this undeveloped parcel from the cemetery proper and change the land use to Office.  If approved, the land use change would allow for a variety of office related uses such as professional services.  The property presently has an ‘A’ (Agricultural) zoning district and is approximately 6.7 acres in size.  The associated zoning change to ‘AP’ (administrative/office) district would permit office uses on the property.  It is located at the 600 block of County Road 241 just north of the Jonesville Activity Center boundary on Tax Parcel Number 04306-001-001.

ZOS-02-14 (Special Use Permit) - A request by Clay Sweger of Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc., agent, for Forest Meadows FH&C, Inc. applicant, for a special use permit to allow a cemetery. The applicant wishes to reconfigure the existing Forest Meadows Cemetery by removing an existing undeveloped parcel (04306-001-001) and adding in a new parcel (4305-001-000).  The site contains an ‘A’ (Agricultural) zoning district and ‘R-1b’ (Single Family Residential) district.  All other aspects of the cemetery will remain unchanged.  It is located at 700 NW 143rd St just north of the Jonesville Activity Center boundary on Tax Parcel Numbers 04296-002-001, 04296-002-000, 04306-001-000 and 04305-001-000.

ZOX-01-14 (Special Exception) - A request by Kari Bagnall, agent, for Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary, owner, for a special exception for a primate sanctuary on approximately 39 acres located at 13915 North State Road 121 on Tax Parcel Numbers 05879-003-000, 05874-007-000, 05879-008-000, 05879-008-001 and 05879-010-000. Jungle Friends is a primate rescue sanctuary located along SR 121 and was established at this location in 1999. The applicant’s existing facility is on 12 acres of property at this site.  Jungle Friends wishes to expand its operation to include an additional 27 acres of adjacent property for a total of 39 acres.  These parcels have an Agricultural Land Use Designation and an ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district.

For more information please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department (Jerry Brewington - Senior Planner or Mehdi Benkhatar - Planner) at 352-374-5249.

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Item for the Development Review Committee

Town of Tioga Planned Development Phase 15 - A public hearing to consider a Preliminary Development Plan for a proposed 19 lot residential subdivision in the 600 block of SW 129th Terrace.  Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Christine Berish at for further information.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.



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