Media Release

Capital Project Reassessment / Bond Issue Special Meeting

Monday, November 17, 2008 12:00 AM
12:45 p.m.

ALACHUA COUNTY - The Alachua County Commission will hold a special meeting on Tuesday November 18, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. in room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street, Gainesville.  The agenda will include these items:
1.    CIP Capital project Assessment
2.    Update on Fire Services Network
3.    Boundary Adjustment Act Summary
County Manager Randall H. Reid, in anticipation of the meeting, has circulated the memo and spread sheet below as a reassessment the Capital Projects plan and as background for the Board's discussion. Click the links below to view these documents:

As always the public is invited to attend and lend their voices to this important discussion.
For more information, call the County Manager's Communications Office at 352-374-526.


If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to participate in a County program, service or public meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at 352-374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the event. TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
