Media Release

Reid Delivers Budget Message

Friday, July 9, 2010 11:40 AM

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - At a special meeting of the Alachua County Commission on July 8, 2010, Alachua County Manager Randall H. Reid presented the FY11 Tentative Budget/FY12 Planned Budget.  He detailed the reductions necessary to balance the budget in light of declining revenues.

Quoting from the Budget Message Reid said, "The FY11 Tentative Budget presents a budget under the full impact of the economic recession and recognizes that even if the local economy improves, local government revenues lag behind.  It continues the reductions made over the last three years however; the expenditure reductions suggested in this budget will have a higher impact on our level of service to citizens than reductions in the previous three budget years."

To view the Video on Demand Budget Message presentation, click here. 

To view the Budget Message document, click here.

For more information contact the Communications Office at 352-374-5204.



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