Media Release

County Commission to Appoint Charter Review Commission

Monday, June 1, 2009 1:00 AM

June 1, 2009

1:15 p.m.

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - The Preamble of the Alachua County Home Rule Charter states:

The citizens of Alachua County, Florida, believing that governmental decisions affecting local interests should be made locally rather than by the state, and, in order to bring to the county the full home rule benefits afforded by the constitution of the State of Florida to charter counties, do ordain and establish this home rule charter for Alachua County, Florida.

The County Commission is urging citizens to engage in the Charter Review process.  Every ten years, eleven to fifteen Alachua County citizens are appointed by the Commission to review Alachua County's Home Rule Charter.  Known as the Charter Review Commission (CRC), the group will decide by majority vote if Charter amendments or revisions should be placed on the general election ballot for November of 2010.

The commitment of time to the CRC will be substantial.  Applicants should carefully consider their ability to attend meetings at least monthly starting in October of 2009 and continuing through July of 2010.

"Thomas Jefferson believed an informed and engaged citizenry was democracy's greatest safeguard," said Alachua County Manager Randall H. Reid, "As our Charter is our local constitution, the Charter Review Commission is a very powerful way for citizens to participate in their government."

To view the Home Rule Charter click here.

To fill out and submit an application, click here.  The deadline for application to the CRC is July 31, 2009.

For more information, contact the Advisory Board Program Coordinator, Mary Lowry, at 352-264-6904. 




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