Media Release

11-19-14 Planning Commission Items

Monday, November 17, 2014 10:30 AM
ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, November 19, 2014, at 6 p.m. The meeting is in room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville.
Items for the Planning Commission
Application Number:  CPA-06-14 (Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment) A request by Wanda Lewis applicant, for Lewis Micanopy Chevron, LLC, owner, for a small scale Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment amending the Future Land Use Map 2030 from Commercial to Rural/Agriculture on approximately 4.65 acre located at 17000 SE 26th Street on Tax Parcel Number 16854-009-000. The applicant is requesting a small scale land use change in conjunction with rezoning request ZOM-05-14.  If approved, the land use change would allow single family residential development as well as permitted agricultural uses as defined by the Comprehensive Plan.  For more information, please contact Mehdi Benkhatar, Planner, at 352-374-5249 or
Application Number:  ZOM-05-14 (Rezoning) A request by Wanda Lewis applicant, for Lewis Micanopy Chevron, LLC, owner, to rezone from ‘BH’ (Highway Oriented Business) zoning district to ‘A’ Agriculture zoning district on Approximately 4.55. Acres located at 17000 SE 26th Street on Tax Parcel Number 16854-009-000.  The applicant is requesting a rezoning to the agricultural zoning district to permit construction of a single family residence at the site.  For more information, please contact Mehdi Benkhatar, Planner, at 352-374-5249 or
Application Number:  ZOM-06-14 (Rezoning) A request by Clay Sweger of EDA, Inc. for National Hot Rod Association, owners, for a non-residential Planned Development (PD) district at the Gainesville Raceway on Approximately 452. Acres located at 11211 North County Road 225 on Tax Parcel Numbers 07789-000-000; 07789-001-000; 07789-002-000 and 07792-001-000. This property has an ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district with a Tourist/Entertainment Future Land Use designation.  The applicant is requesting a planned development (PD) zoning district to continue the existing uses allowed at the Gainesville Raceway site as well as allow sales of alcoholic beverages at certain events.  For more information, please contact Jerry Brewington, Senior Planner, at 352-374-5249 or
Application Number:  CPA-08-14 (Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment) A request by Ryan Thompson of CHW, agent, for Westside Quail Farm, LLC, owners, for a small scale Comprehensive Land Use Amendment amending the Future Land Use Map 2030 from Residential Medium Density to Residential Medium-High Density on approximately 8.5 acres located at 13814 NW 8th Avenue on tax parcel number 04291-003-000.  The proposed small scale land use application, if approved, would allow a density of up to 14 dwelling units per acre on the property.  For more information, please contact Jerry Brewington, Senior Planner, at 352-374-5249 or
Application Number:  ZOM-07-14 (Rezoning) A request by Ryan Thompson of CHW, agent, for Westside Quail Farm, LLC, owners, to rezone from ‘R-2’ (Multi-Family Residential) zoning district to ‘PD’ (Planned Development) zoning district on approximately 8.5 acres located at 13814 NW 8th Avenue on tax parcel number 04291-003-000.  The PD is being requested in conjunction with small scale land use application CPA-08-14.  If approved, the PD would allow multi-family residential development consistent with the approved master plan of up to 128 units on the site.  For more information, please contact Jerry Brewington, Senior Planner, at 352-374-5249 or
View the Planning Commission Agenda.


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