Media Release

04-12-16 Commission Regular Meeting

Friday, April 8, 2016 1:50 PM

CommissionersALACHUA COUNTY, FL – The Alachua County Commission will conduct their Regular Meeting/Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The Regular Meeting begins at 9 a.m., and the Public Hearing begins at 5 p.m. Both meetings are in the Jack Durrance Auditorium (Room 209) on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, downtown Gainesville).

Items of interest at the Regular Meeting:

8. Program presentation by Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell
9. In kind support for 2016 Strike Out Hunger Food Drive & Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway
10. Request approval of Revised Fee Schedule for private use of public facilities
11. Financial support for Special Event/Program: Public Health Clinic at Fearnside Family Service Center and/or CerridwenWorks and/or Menagerie in Motion Kinetic Derby
12. Sustainability Council Local Food Initiatives update
13. Organic farming and edible landscapes on County lands
14. Groundwater nitrate concentrations in Alachua County

Item of interest at the Public Hearing:

Regular Matters

22. Public Hearing to amend the FY16 Budget for Mid-Year Adjustments
23. Alachua County Government Minimum Wage Ordinance
Legislative items
24. Ordinance to prohibit oil and natural gas extraction within Alachua County
Quasi-Judicial/Zoning Items
25. Oakmont Planned Development Phase 2 Plat

View the complete Regular/Public Hearing/Consent agenda and backup materials

Supplemental Agenda Items:

Item to be Added to the Regular Agenda
• Letter to the Alachua County League of Cities, per Michele Lieberman (to follow Item # 11)

Item to be Added to the Consent Agenda
• Resolution to Approve Issuance of Bonds by the Alachua County Health Facilities Authority for Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. at the University of Florida, per Michele Lieberman (to follow Item # 29)

View the Supplemental Agenda and backup materials

There are four public comment opportunities during the Regular/Public Hearing Meetings, which enable citizens to speak to items not on the agenda. The public is encouraged to attend meetings, view them live on Cox Channel 12, or on the County’s Video on Demand website.

Free parking is available for citizens attending these meetings. Please park in the S.W. Parking Garage (220 S.E. 2nd Ave, Gainesville) and bring your parking stub to the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, to receive a chaser validation ticket.

Citizens are encouraged to stay engaged by signing up for the following:Facebook Twitter Newsletter/Press Release
For more information, contact the Alachua County Communications Office at 352-374-5204.



If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to participate in a County program, service or public meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at 352-374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the event. TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
