Media Release

Zoning & Land-Use Items on Meeting Agenda

Friday, October 7, 2011 4:30 PM

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL – In order to keep the public well informed on important zoning and land-use issues, Alachua County is augmenting its process of advertising these events.  In addition to legally required efforts such as newspaper advertising and mail outs to residents within 500 feet of the site, the County will begin sending press releases as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, the County Website, the County newsletter, and on local government access channel 12.

To stay informed and engaged, click the links below.

Facebook    Twitter   Newsletter/Press Release   Alachua County Website

For all of the items below, the public is invited and encouraged to attend.  If you know citizens who live near these projects, please share this press release.

Items for the October 11, 2011 5 p.m. Alachua County Commission Public Hearing (room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville)  

PARK AVENUE OFFICE CONDOMINIUM PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MAJOR AMENDMENT (ZOM-06-11) - A public hearing for a request by Robyn Lee, agent, for Jonathan F. Wershow, owner, for an amendment to an existing ‘PD’ (Park Avenue Office Condominium Planned Development) district for a day spa in a Commercial and Low Density Residential land use designation (1 to 4 dwelling units/acre) on approximately .017 acres located at 912 NW 57th Street on tax parcel number 06354-100-003.  Public participation in the hearing process is encouraged.  All materials related to this application are available for review at the Office of Growth Management.  Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Jerry Brewington at for further information.


OAK TREE LANDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (ZOM-10-10) – A public hearing for a request by Randy Olney of George F. Young, Inc., agent, for Oak Tree Landing, Inc., owner to rezone from ‘A’ (Agriculture) district to ‘PD’ (Planned Development) district to allow five (5) residential lots, outdoor recreation uses including a golf course with customary accessory uses, a tennis center and a community garden and vineyard/winery in a Rural/Agriculture land use designation (1 dwelling unit per 5 acres) on approximately 160.18 acres located at SW corner of State Road 232 and NW 290th Terrace on tax parcel numbers 01772-000-000; 01765-001-000; 01770-000-000 and 01772-001-000.  Public participation in the hearing process is encouraged. All materials related to this application are available for review at the Office of Growth Management. Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Missy Daniels at for further information.


SPECIAL USE PERMIT MINOR AMENDMENT (ZOS-08-11) - A public hearing for a request by Clay Sweger of Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc, agent, for V. E. Whitehurst

& Sons, Inc., owner, to renew an existing special use permit for a clean debris borrow pit in

a ‘MS’ (Manufacturing and Service Industrial) zoning district and a ‘ML’ (Light Industrial) zoning district with a Heavy Industrial Land Use designation on approximately 30 acres located at 3207 SE Hawthorne Road on tax parcel numbers 16127-001-001 and a portion

of 16108-000-000.  Public participation in the hearing process is encouraged.  All materials related to this application are available for review at the Office of Growth Management.  Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Jerry Brewington at for further information.


Bristol Harbour Planned Development – Replat of Lots 13 through 16 - A public hearing to consider a Replat of Lots 13 through 16 to correct an encroachment located at 21102 through 21108 NE 101st Street in Earlton, FL   Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249.



If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to participate in a County program, service or public meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at 352-374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the event. TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
