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Know Before You Go

  • Buck Bay is open and operational.

  • Buck Bay Flatwoods Preserve
    • Nature/Hiking Trail Hiking /Nature Trail

    Welcome to Buck Bay Flatwoods Preserve!

    Preserve Hours:
    Oct. - March 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
    April - Sept. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

    Buck Bay Flatwoods Preserve

    Click here to tour Buck Bay Flatwoods Preserve

    About the Preserve:
    The original 464 acre Buck Bay Flatwoods Pre​serve tract was purchased in 2013 by Alachua County through the Alachua County Forever Program using Wild Spaces Public Places surtax funds. The Preserve was expanded in 2019 with the purchase of an additional 173 acres, also using Wild Spaces Public Places funds. In total, the Preserve now protects 637 acres, nine distinct natural communities, and 4,000 ft of Hatchet Creek. The entire footprint of the Preserve is within the Primary and Secondary Protection Zones of the Murphree Wellfield, GRU’s source of drinking water for local residents. This Preserve was purchased to protect, preserve and enhance the unique natural and cultural resources found on the property; protect water resources; and to provide an enjoyable and The preserve is actively managed to improve the natural communities that exist here. Habitat restoration is needed due to historic fire suppression, especially in the pine flatwoods natural community. Prescribed fire, mowing, and other techniques will appear dramatic when implemented, but will help stimulate the recovery of diverse wildlife species and native groundcover over time. The 2.5 mile Lakeview trail loop circles the heart of the preserve. The Dome Swamp loop (0.7 mile long) provides a shorter trail option. And white-blazed shortcut trails provide modifications to trail length.

    Help keep the Preserve maintained.

    Preserve Rules:

    • Pack out what you pack in. Don’t litter
    • Trails are for pedestrians and bicyclists only. Bikers must yield to hikers.
    • Leashed dogs are allowed on trails provided owners pick up after them.
    • Help prevent erosion by staying on trails.
    • No motorized vehicles except ADA equipment.
    • Preserve patrons may not establish new trails without permission from the County.

    For your safety:

    • Stay on marked trails. Keep out of Closed Areas.
    • Visitors who remain after hours are trespassing
    • Taking, harassing, or killing of plants and wildlife, and collecting of fossils or artifacts is not permitted.

    Natural areas and wildlife may be hazardous. Use common sense and be cautious.

    Advice for the trails:

    • Do not approach or harass wildlife.
    • Be prepared for soft and uneven terrain:
    • Some trails are maintained and disked as firebreak.
    • Under wet conditions some trails are flooded.
    • Please respect our neighbors’ privacy by staying on marked trails.

    For your comfort and safety:

    • Wear sunscreen and a hat, use insect repellent; carry water and a trail map

    No drinking water available at the Preserve.
    No restrooms. No picnic facilities.

    Trail maps are available at the Preserve or you can request a brochure by email using the link on our contact page. Brochures are available in alternate format on request.



