
​​Alachua County Procurement provides purchasing support for both the Board of County Commissioners and the Library District.

You can view our Prompt Payment Procedure guidelines for information on: proper invoice requirements, dispute resolution procedures, interest payments and more.

Alachua County codes can be found on line. ​You can rea​d the Procurement Code here.

Alachua County Procurement has partnered with OpenGov/ProcureNow and is excited to announce our transition from a solely paper-based bid solicitation process to a fully automated web-b​ased electronic bidding and vendor management system. To continue to receive bid notifications, you will want to check the Procurements home page on the OPENGOV website​ or our new Alachua County e-Procurement Portal located here​.


Recipient of the "Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award" - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2024.

The National Purchasing Institute's Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award is designed to recognize organizational excellence in procurement. The award is achieved by those organizations that demonstrate excellence in procurement by obtaining a high score on a rating of standardized criteria. The Program is designed to measure innovation, professionalism, e-procurement, productivity, and leadership attributes of the procurement function.

The award is nationally and internationally recognized as the gold standard for the achievement of excellence, innovation and best practices in the profession of public procurement. In 2013, the Alachua County Procurement was 1 of only 22 government agencies in the state of Florida receiving the award and 1 of only 43 counties in the United States to receive the award.

Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award 

Contact Information

  • Procurement Department
  • County Administration Building
  • 12 SE 1st Street, 3rd Floor
  • Gainesville, FL32601
  • Phone: 352-374-5202
  • Fax: 352-491-4569
  • TTD/TTY Users, Please call 711 (Florida Relay Service)

Mission Statement

The mission of the Alachua County Procurement is to facilitate a fair, proactive, streamlined, and competitive procurement process that will control co​st to Alachua County agencies as well as its Citizens.


View our Performance Measures Report:
Procurement Performance Measures
