Ambulance Records Request

​​Requests for medical records should be submitted through the JustFOiA web portal.

Submit Records Request

​​​Requests may also be submitted by email, fax, USPS mail, or in-person. Verbal requests for medical records are usually not permitted​.

Mailing Address:
Alachua County Fire Rescue
PO Box 5038
Gainesville, FL 32627-5096

Fax: (352) 384-3157 (Send with encryption to ensure security of private health information)

Phone: (352) 384-3150

Who can request medical records?

The patient, or parent of a minor patient, can request ambulance records. Legal representatives or attorneys may also request records with proper authorization from the patient or parent.

Law enforcement agencies may be exempt from obtaining authorization from the patient or parent. You may contact our office for additional guidance on making these requests.

Attorney requests should generally include the following:

  1. Letter of Representation (Letterhead)
  2. HIPAA Release Form signed by the patient
  3. Patient’s name, date of birth and last four of SSN#
  4. The date of service(s)
  5. Type of records being requested
    1. Ambulance report(s)
    2. Invoice
    3. Both

Time frame to produce records

Most requests can be prepared in 7 – 10 business days. Larger requests may take up to 14 business days.

Cost to produce records

Generally, there is no charge to produce records. Larger requests, for multiple service dates or patients, may result in a fee. The fees are outlined in the current Alachua County Fee Schedule whi​​ch can be found here:
