The Alachua County Commission will conduct a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2018. The meeting begins at 10 a.m., in the Grace Knight Conference Room, located on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, downtown Gainesville).
The meeting includes a discussion of draft updates to the Future Land Use and Housing Elements of the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan. This meeting is one of a series of meetings with the Board of County Commissioners that started in 2017 as part of the periodic evaluation and update of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Staff will present draft policy language updates to address issues in the areas of future land use and housing for Board discussion and direction to staff in preparation for public hearings of the Alachua County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners beginning in early 2019.
Future Land Use Element - The Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan provides for the general location, density, and intensity of various land uses in the unincorporated area of the County including residential, commercial, office, industrial, agriculture, recreation, preservation, education, public facilities, and also provides general development standards and plans for specific areas. Draft revisions to the Future Land Use Element include streamlining policies for Urban Activity Centers to more effectively promote mixed-use development, expanding uses allowed within Office and Light Industrial areas, clarifying policies related to housing for aging adults, adding policies to identify priorities for infrastructure located within County rights-of-way, clarifying uses allowed within open space areas for Rural Clustered Subdivisions, and updating other policies as needed to reflect changes in state planning statutes.
Housing Element - The Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan promotes safe, sanitary and affordable housing for all Alachua County residents through various strategies, incentives, and programs. Draft revisions to the Housing Element include strategies for affordable housing focusing on affordability for extremely low and very low income households and other policy updates.
Additional information about the draft policy updates that will be discussed at this meeting, as well as the Comprehensive Plan Update process overall, is available at the County's Comprehensive Plan Update website.
The public is invited to attend this meeting. It will be available to view live on Cox Channel 12 and the County’s Video on Demand website.
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For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249.