Land Conservation Board Vacancies

​Alachua County is seeking applicants to fill four anticipated vacancies on the Land Conservation Board (LCB) for two Citizens at Large and Natural Resource Professionals. They generally meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The application deadline is November 20, 2023.

The LCB provides an opportunity for citizen involvement in the selection of Alachua County Forever Conservation Lands. The Board reviews and recommends properties for acquisition through the Alachua County Forever Program to the County Commission and provides recommendations on stewardship issues.

Land Conservation Board Chair Brian Block said, “Want to be among a small group of dedicated people who together form a vital function in Alachua County’s land conservation efforts?  Join the Land Conservation Board and help our celebrated Alachua County Forever program continue to save more of the special natural places and ecosystems you love for future generations.”  

Interested applicants may apply online here. Click on “View Vacancies” in the top right. Indicate in the appropriate section of the online application the category position and relevant qualifications as applicable.
For more information, contact Emily Uhlmann at 352-275-2050 or

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