The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) for the Gainesville Urbanized Area will conduct a meeting at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st St., Gainesville) in the Grace Knight Conference Room on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The meeting begins at 3 p.m.
Items of interest on the meeting agenda include:
- Staff services agreement between the MTPO and the County
- Update of Bridge, Pavement and System Performance Targets
- Approval of federal operating and capital funding for Regional Transit System in the Transportation Improvement Program
- Public Participation Plan
View the meeting agenda
In-person public comment will be taken for the agenda items, and the public will also have an opportunity to speak about items not on the agenda. Members of the public who wish to speak are asked to limit their comments to three minutes. The meeting can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV), the county’s Facebook and YouTube sites, and the county’s Video on Demand website. The public is encouraged to submit any written or photographic documents one business day before the meeting to Any questions regarding participation should be directed to the MTPO at 352-374-5249.
The MTPO is responsible for the continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative urban transportation planning program for the Gainesville Metropolitan Area. This planning program is required to receive federal and state funds for transportation projects. Voting members consist of the five Alachua County commissioners and the City of Gainesville’s mayor and six commissioners. Non-voting members include the University of Florida president’s designee, a rural advisor designated by the MTPO and the Florida Department of Transportation District 2 secretary’s designee. Staff services are provided by HDR, Inc.
For more information, please contact Alison Moss at 352-374-5249.