The Alachua County Development Review Committee and the Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, May 28, 2020. The Development Review Committee Meeting is at 1 p.m. The Planning Commission Meeting is at 6 p.m. These are virtual meetings. The public may attend virtually through the County's
Video on Demand website. For meeting audio only, call 301-715-8592, and when prompted, use code 670 965 3024.
The public may submit comments to the Development Review Committee through email at, and to the Planning Commission through email at Comments can also be made by calling into the public comment message line when prompted to call during the meetings.
Public comment will be taken by telephone for all non-ministerial items on which the Development Review Committee or Planning Commission votes. Once public comment is opened for an item under discussion, please call 929-205-6099 (enter meeting code 273 174 8038). Callers will be put in a queue, and prompted when it is their turn to speak. TO AVOID FEEDBACK, SPEAKERS MUST TURN DOWN THEIR MEETING SOUND WHEN ADDRESSING THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS.
Items for the Development Review Committee meeting:
Heathrow Rural/Ag Subdivision – This is a Revised Preliminary and Revised Final Development Plan and Plat for a 5-lot rural agricultural subdivision on approximately 46.38 acres located on a portion of Tax Parcel Number 04229-001-000 at the intersection of N.W. 21st Avenue and N.W. 150th Blvd., Gainesville. For more in formation, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Leslie McLendon at
Tara 23 Subdivision – This is a Preliminary Development Plan for a proposed 19 lot single family subdivision on approximately 4.83 acres located on Tax Parcel Number 06322-000-000 in the 8000 block of N.W. 23rd Avenue. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Leslie McLendon at
Tomlinson Dock and Boathouse – This is a Final Development Plan and Floodplain Development Permit for a proposed dock extension and new boathouse on approximately .75 acre located on Tax Parcel Number 06109-0-00000 in Bradford County at 2692 S.E. CR 21B, Melrose. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Angeline Jacobs at
Items for the Planning Commission Meeting:
CPA-02-20 (Linz, Inc. Large-Scale Text Amendment) – This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda, Inc., applicant, for text amendments to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element Policy 2.2.1, related to the requirements of the Springhills Activity Center Plan. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Mehdi Benkhatar at
ZOM-03-20 (S.W. 8th Avenue Subdivision Rezoning) – This is a request by Ryan Thompson of CHW, Inc., agents, for Angeli Maun Akey and Timothy P. Akey, owners, to rezone parcel 06670-000-000 from “R-1aa” (residential, 1 to 3 dwelling units/acre) to “R-1a” (residential, 1 to 4 dwelling units/acre). The parcel has a future land use designation of Low Density Residential (1 to 4 dwelling units/acre). The site is approximately 5.3 acres and is located at 8115 S.W. 8th Avenue. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Mehdi Benkhatar at
Due to schedule conflicts, these meetings will not be televised on Cox Cable Channel 12. They may be viewed live on the County’s
Video on Demand website.
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