9-20-17 Planning Commission and 9-21-17 Development Review Committee Items


​The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, September 20, 2017, at 6 p.m. The Alachua County Development Review Committee will meet on Thursday, September 21, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Jack Durrance Auditorium (room 209) on the second floor of the County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, downtown Gainesville).

Items for the Planning Commission

CPA-07-17 (Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment) - This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda, inc., agent, for Kaley Behl, owner, for a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation on 8.04 acres from Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) to Medium-High Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). This site is in the ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district and is located at 7816 S.W. Archer Rd. on Tax Parcel Number 07065-001-000. This application is associated with ZOM-05-17.

QUASI-JUDICIAL ITEM: ZOM-05-17 (Rezoning) - This is a request by Clay Sweger of eda, inc., agent, for Kaley Behl, owner, to rezone from ‘A’ (Agriculture) zoning district to ‘R-2a’ (Single/Multi-Family Residential) zoning district on approximately 8.04 acres located at 7816 S.W. Archer Rd. on Tax Parcel Number 07065-001-000. This site has a future land use designation of Medium Density Residential (4-8 du/acre).This application is associated with CPA-07-17. This rezoning, if approved, will allow multi-family development on this property.

QUASI-JUDICIAL ITEM: ZOM-06-17 (Planned Development Amendment) - This is a request by Ryan Thompson of CHW, Inc., agent, for Industrial Plants Corporation, owners, for a major amendment to an existing ‘PD’ (Standridge Planned Development) district to permit uses in addition to residential (assisted living facilities and nursing homes) and amend the phasing schedule on approximately 15.71 acres located at 5880 N.W. 39th Avenue on Tax Parcel Number 06058-003-000. This site has a future land use designation of Medium-High Density Residential (8-14 du/acre).

QUASI-JUDICIAL ITEM: ZOM-07-17 (Planned Development Amendment) – This is a request by Ryan Thompson, CHW, Inc., agent, for E Group Engineering & Construction, LLC, owners, for a major amendment to an existing ‘PD’ (Top Tier Planned Development) district to permit additional uses including a screen printing shop and a fitness facility and to amend the phasing schedule for the development on approximately 4 acres located to the east of 404 S.W. 140th Terrace on Tax Parcel Number 04344-005-005. This site has a future land use designation of Office/Business Park.

View the Planning Commission Agenda.

Item for the Development Review Committee

Fernandez Family Homestead Subdivision – This is a public hearing to consider a Preliminary and Final Development Plan for 4 lots on approximately 14.38 acres at 15503 S.W. 15th Avenue. For more information contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Leslie McLendon at lmclendon@alachuacounty.us.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.

The public is invited to attend these meetings. They will be available to view live on the County's Video on Demand website. The Planning Commission Meeting will be available to view live on Cox Cable Channel 12.

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