Annual Veterans Day Celebration

Alachua County Community Support Services' Veteran Services Division (and other Alachua County departments); the Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center; and multiple veterans, non-profit, and community organizations are hosting their annual Veterans Day Celebration on Friday, November 11, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, at the Veterans Memorial Park (7400 S.W. 41st Place, Gainesville).

This year they are honoring all of America's veterans. This celebration recognizes and honors all veterans and includes veteran families and loved ones whose support gave them the drive and desire to serve and protect the United States.

The Veterans Day Celebration begins at 9:30 a.m. with military and veteran displays and presentations. The formal program starts at 11 a.m. This celebration includes skydivers; veteran; military and organizational tents; live music; helicopter displays; the UF Drill Team demonstration; and multiple patriotic ceremonies. Food is available.

"Alachua County Veteran Services is proud to serve America's veterans with all the heart and strategy we can offer," said Alachua County Veteran Services Director Kim Davis. "Veterans Day, for us, is the day to celebrate with our veteran family and recognize our veterans' dedication, service, and sacrifices. Please come and enjoy the comradery as we gather to honor you, America's heroes who served to keep us safe and free." 

For more information, contact Kim Davis at 352-264-6740 or

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