Claudia Tuck Appointed to Two NACo Committees

The National Association of Counties (NACo) has appointed Alachua County Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck to be Vice Chair of both its Human Services and Education Steering Committee (Social Services Subcommittee) and its Veterans and Military Services Committee. 

In a letter from NACo President Mary Jo McGuire, she stated:

You were chosen because my goal is to build a talented and committed leadership team for NACo. Our strength at NACo is in our members and your active involvement. As we move forward together, now is the time for county leaders to connect, inspire, and lead.

My presidential spotlight, ForwardTogether, will showcase a three-tiered concept for enriching the leadership, partnerships, and practices of county officials with the ultimate benefit of better outcomes through improved trust and engagement. Consistent with the NACo Blueprint, the three specific themes of ForwardTogether are:

  1. Connect and build bridges through enriched professional connections, leadership skills, and peer networks
  2. Inspire civic engagement through well-informed community participation and public trust, and
  3. Lead intergovernmental partnerships through enhanced collaboration with our federal, state, local, and tribal partners

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Veterans and Military Services Committee as Vice Chair, continuing to work with Commissioner Lukasevich to build on the work we have done over the past few years,” said Claudia Tuck. “I am also excited to continue as the Social Services Subcommittee Vice Chair of the Human Services and Education Steering Committee, engaging with commissioners and staff from across the country, sharing ideas and information to continue improving services for our residents.”

For more information, contact Claudia Tuck at 352-264-6704 or

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