November Environmental Horticulture Programs

​The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce the following Environmental Horticulture programs for November 2021. These programs are being offered by Dr. Cynthia Nazario-Leary, Environmental Horticulture Agent, and Master Gardener Volunteers, at the Alachua County Ag Auditorium (22712 W Newberry Road, Newberry).

Native Plants, Neighbors & Invasives – November 2, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

This program teaches how to identify favored native plants for gardening, non-native plants that are garden-friendly, and invasive species to watch out for and avoid using, along with a discussion and explanation on why we distinguish between them.

There is no registration fee, but participants must register online. This class is limited to 75 participants.

COVID-19 Precautions: Masks and social distancing are highly recommended.

Bromeliads – November 16, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

There are over 3,000 species of bromeliads. This class focuses on the more common species, their distribution, ecology, care and feeding, and propagation.

There is no registration fee, but participants must register online.  This class is limited to 75 participants. 

COVID-19 Precautions: Masks and social distancing are highly recommended.

For more information about these programs, call 352-955-2402. Visit the Extension Office website for additional programs offered by the Extension Office. 

An Equal Opportunity Institution. Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Andra Johnson, Dean. Single copies of Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county Extension offices. 

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