Second Amendment to Emergency Order 20-30

Alachua County has released the second amendment to Emergency Order 20-30. It changes the requirements concerning gatherings. See below for the new requirement language.

4. Groups with more than 50 people are not permitted to congregate in a space that does not readily allow for appropriate social distancing and may be ordered to disperse by law enforcement or code enforcement. Groups of any number who are not socially distancing will be required to socially distance and may be ordered to disperse by law enforcement or codes enforcement if they do not comply. Social distancing, for the purpose of this provision, requires adherence to the social distancing recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and the Surgeon General of Florida and requires 6 foot spacing between persons of different households.

For more information, contact Alachua County Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979 or

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