Alachua County Releases Updated Emergency Order 2020-21

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - On May 2nd, Alachua County Commission released Alachua County Emergency Order 2020-21. Here are the most important points from the order:

Click here to read the full Emergency Order 2020-21.

Click here to read the Governor’s Executive Order 20-112.

1.       While Executive Order 20-112 provides more opportunity to be outside the home, those who are vulnerable to infection should stay home as much as possible. Those who are not considered to be at risk should use prudence when leaving their home and stay at home if possible.

2.       Pursuant to Executive Order 20-112, Essential Services and Activities are those set out in the CISA guidance and Executive Order 20-89 and a list propounded by Miami-Dade County in its Emergency Order 07-20. As stated in Order 20-91, this list is subject to change and an updated list may be found at Private museums, libraries, botanical gardens and wildlife preserves may reopen at 25% of their capacity, but shall not allow any use of interactive displays or playground equipment.

3.       All places of public assembly are closed to the public. Whether indoors or outdoors, including but not limited to, locations with amusement rides, carnivals, water parks, pools, zoos, arcades, fairs, children’s play centers, playgrounds, theme parks, bowling alleys, pool halls, movie and other theaters, concert and music halls, country clubs, social clubs and fraternal organizations. To the extent any of these businesses have retail sales facilities as part of their operation, they may open subject to the limitations below and calculating occupancy based upon the retail space.

4.       All Essential Services and Activities are encouraged to remain open. To the greatest extent feasible, Essential Services and Activities should comply with Social Distancing Requirements as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and the Surgeon General of Florida, including by maintaining six-foot distance between both employees and members of the public always, including when any customers are standing in line. Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order 20-83, and the Surgeon General’s Health Advisory, employers should make every effort to reduce the onsite workforce to 50% capacity, where possible, to the extent that reduction can be accomplished without significantly disrupting the ability to conduct business. OSHA guidelines regarding COVID-19 found in publication 3990 shall be followed. or subsequent rules. Workers shall be educated by employers of the standards and require that standards be present on worksite. If an employee believes that they are being required to work in sub-standard conditions they may call the County’s 311 phone number and leave a complaint anonymously. To the extent that there is an industry association, governing body, or licensure agency that imposes more stringent guidelines than OSHA, then the business shall comply with those requirements.

5.       Pursuant to Executive Order 20-112, retail businesses may now open subject to the limitations in that order. Retail businesses are encouraged to utilize curbside service and via delivery to limit face to face contact. All businesses which are open, retail or otherwise, shall comply with the safety guidelines established by the CDC and OSHA. To the extent any business is governed by licensure or board requirements which are stricter than those of the CDC or OSHA, those board requirements will take precedence A list will be developed covering Industry Specific Operating Standards for Pandemic Response which will be the standard used for enforcement.

6.       In addition to the restrictions set forth in Executive 20-112, restaurants and food service facilities shall comply with the Food and Drug Administration “Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick Up and Delivery Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic.”

7.       Essential Services and Activities, and retail establishments shall limit occupancy, to one per five hundred square feet of covered space. In no case does this allow more than Executive Order 20- 112. The business shall also be responsible for ensuring that appropriate social distancing be followed. Restaurants may open at 25% occupancy but, as set forth in the Governor’s Executive Order 20-112, must follow appropriate social distancing in seating. Outdoor seating does not count against indoor occupancy but must meet the requirements of social distancing set forth in the Governor’s Executive Order 20-112. The occupancy limits, for purposes of the one per five hundred square feet of covered space standard, do not include members of staff as long as they are able to comply with appropriate social distancing techniques under the circumstances.

8.       Use of face coverings and personal protective equipment

    1. Persons working in or visiting grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible shall wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.

    2. Face covering includes any covering which snugly covers the nose and mouth, whether store bought or homemade, and which is secured with ties or ear loops. Examples of compliant home-made masks may be found at sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html. Persons should not utilize N95 rated masks, as those are critical supplies for health care workers, police, fire, emergency management, or other persons engaged in life/safety activities. Persons who wear face coverings should review the CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines regarding safely applying, removing, and cleaning face coverings.

    3. A face covering shall not be required for children under two or persons who have trouble breathing due to a chronic pre-existing condition.

    4. This Order does not change or alter any social distancing requirements imposed by this or in any other Emergency Order.

    5. Face masks do not have to be worn while eating or drinking.

9.    Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order 20-91, no public gathering of 10 or more persons is allowed. Pursuant to the Order, groups greater than 10 may be ordered to disperse. This includes any gathering which takes place in the commons area of any multiple residence facility.

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