Media Release

Fire Rescue Partners with Hospitals Better Cardiac Monitoring

Thursday, October 16, 2014 2:00 PM
ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - Alachua County Fire Rescue (ACFR) has partnered with UF Health Shands Hospital, and the North Florida Regional Medical Center for improved technology to the County’s EMS system.

In May, the two hospitals came together to grant approximately $41,200 to ACFR to upgrade the wireless routers in their ambulances. The new hardware increases the wireless speed from 3G to 4G LTE, allowing for a better and more reliable connection between the units’ cardiac monitors and the systems in the Emergency Departments (EDs).

As a result of this partnership, the community will benefit. ACFR’s crews will be able to quickly and reliably transmit important data to the physicians in the ED and issue an alert. The teams in the ED will be prepared (upon patient arrival) to provide definitive care to the patient, resulting in improved Door-to-Balloon Time (which is the time interval from the patient’s arrival at the ED to definitive cardiac care). The patients will be afforded the best care possible at no increased cost to the public.

For more information, contact Assistant Fire Rescue Chief, Harold Theus at 352-384-3132.



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