Board of County Commissioners

A public records request may be made for attachments by contacting​.

Contact the Entire Commission*

  • Board of County Commissioners
  • 12 SE 1st Street, 2nd Floor
  • Gainesville, FL32601
  • 352-264-6900
  • TDD/TTY users, ple​ase call 711 (Florida Relay Service)

Alachua County District Map
District map

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BOCC Meetings
Mission, Vision and Values

Commission Meeting Feeds

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BOCC Meetings

County Commission meetings are generally held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, and agendas are available on the Internet the previous Friday. ​​Click here to see current and past agendas.

Mission​ Statement

Alachua County's mission is to provide responsive service to citizens and responsible stewardship of county resources for current and future generations.

Vision and Values

Vision - Alachua County is committed to responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us by our citizens, realizing that our natural and human resources are our most valuable assets. Furthermore, Alachua County is dedicated to be transparent and responsive, creating an atmosphere of trust with the citizens we serve.

Values -To meet this mission, employees should recognize these fundamental values and these values should serve as a guide to employee conduct and actions where policies are silent or in apparent conflict:

  1. Integrity. We adhere to standards of ethical conduct.
  2. Honesty. We are truthful, fair and open with our fellow employees and the people we serve.
  3. Respect. We are responsive, compassionate and courteous in all our interactions.
  4. Diversity. We embrace the value and power of diversity in our community.
  5. Innovation. We are committed to the consideration and implementation of new ideas.​
  6. Accountability. We are accountable for our behavior and the quality of work performed individually and as teams.
  7. Communication. Our open communication and sharing of ideas enhances the decision-making process.

Alachua County 2021 Annual Report​

More Videos from Alachua County


See the Rules of Procedure​ that govern Commission meetings, Public Records Requests and more...

Link to Budget documents

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*Under Florida law, all information, including e-mail, written letters, documents and phone messages sent to the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners is subject to Public Records law.

This includes the sender's e-mail address, home address or phone number if shown in the message, the content of the message and any associated attachments to the mail. Also please be aware that electronic correspondence (e-mail) is made available on the Commission's public archive site immediately upon being sent
