Media Release

June Commercial Horticulture Programs

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:30 AM

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce the following Commercial Horticulture Programs June 2017. These programs are being offered by Dr. Tatiana Sanchez, Commercial Horticulture Agent, at the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office (2800 N.E. 39th Avenue, Gainesville) unless otherwise indicated.

Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) – June 1, from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Florida law states that all commercial fertilizer applicators must have a certificate from FDACS. To get this certificate, each commercial applicator must be trained in the GI-BMPs and receive a certificate of completion from UF/IFAS and FDEP. GI-BMP Certification is required to apply for the Fertilizer Application License.

Earn Continue Education Units (CEUs) for pesticide license holders. Up to 4 CEUs will be available in the following categories: 2 Core, 2 Ornamental & Turf, 2 Limited Landscape Maintenance, 2 Limited Urban Fertilizer, 2 Private Applicator – AG, 2 Limited Lawn & Ornamental, 2 Commercial Lawn & Ornamental.

Participants must register by May 29. The registration fee is $25.00 (includes lunch & materials). Participants must register online (for an additional fee). There are no refunds for registration costs.

View the event flyer.

Beekeeping – Honey Extraction & Hive Management – June 10, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the UF Bee Unit (2895 S.W. 23rd Terrace, Gainesville)

This class will cover honey extraction from bee hives and keeping a healthy hive.

The registration fee is $5.00 (includes lunch & materials).

Participants must register online (for an additional fee). There are no refunds for registration costs.

View the event flyer.

Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance – June 13, from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Workshop trains commercial landscape maintenance personnel to make correct pesticide applications to ornamentals and plant beds only.

Up to six (6) CEU’s will be available in the following categories: 3 General Standard/Core, 3 Ornamental & Turf, 3 Private Applicator Ag, 3 Limited Lawn & Ornamental, 3 Limited Landscape Maintenance, 3 Commercial Lawn & Ornamental.

Participants must register by June 8. The registration fee is $30.00 per person (includes lunch). Participants must register online (for an additional fee). There are no refunds for registration costs.

View the event flyer.

Pesticide Training for Private Applicator in Ag & Horticultural Industries – A Review – June 20, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens (4700 S.W. 58th Drive, Gainesville)

This workshop is designed to provide training for the private applicator agricultural pest control license. The private applicator license is required for anyone that applies restricted use pesticides to their farm, greenhouse or nursery. Topics include private applicator and regulations, equipment calibration and pesticide arithmetic, pesticide safety, and principles of pest control.

CEU’s available (maximum of 4 CEU’s earned): 1 General Standard/Core, 2 Private Applicator, 1 Aerial Application, 1 Ag Row Crop, 1 Ag Tree Crop, 1 Forestry, 2 Ornamental & Turf, 1 Right of Way, 1 Soil & Greenhouse Fumigation. CEUs will be offered for applicators that already have their licenses.

Participants must register by June 15. The registration fee is $18.00 per person (includes lunch). Late registration or at the door is $20. Participants can register online (for an additional fee). There are no refunds for registration costs.

View the event flyer.

For more information about these programs call 352-955-2402. Visit the Extension Office Calendar for additional programs offered by the Extension Office.

An Equal Opportunity Institution. Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Nick T. Place, Dean. Single copies of Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county Extension offices. Information about alternate formats is available from IFAS Communications, University of Florida, PO Box 110810, Gainesville, FL 32611-0810.



If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to participate in a County program, service or public meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at 352-374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the event. TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
