Media Release

01-18-12 Planning Commission Item

Friday, January 13, 2012 12:40 PM

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - In order to keep the public well informed on important zoning, land-use and development review issues, Alachua County is augmenting its process of advertising these events. In addition to legally required efforts, the County will begin sending press releases as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, the County Website, the County newsletter, and on local government access channel 12.

To stay informed and engaged, click the links below.

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For the item below, the public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. If you know citizens who live near this project, please share this press release.

Items for the January 18, 2012 Planning Commission

A public hearing for a rezoning from A (Agriculture) district to A-RB (Agriculture/Rural Business) district at 22211 West Newberry Road will take place before the Alachua County Planning Commission on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 beginning at 6 p.m. The hearing will be held in Room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville.

The A-RB zoning (ZOM-05-11) would, if approved, allow all permitted uses within the A-RB zoning district including a veterinary clinic (the present use on the site) as well as limited commercial uses such as a garden supply or feed store.  This is the first of two public hearings for this request.

All materials related to this application are available for review at the Office of Growth Management. Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Jerry Brewington at for further information.



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