Media Release

06-20-12 Planning Commission Items

Monday, June 18, 2012 11:30 AM
Planning Commission

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - In order to keep the public well informed on important zoning, land-use and development review issues, Alachua County is augmenting its process of advertising these events. In addition to legally required efforts, the County will begin sending press releases as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, the County Website, the County newsletter, and on local government access channel 12.

To stay informed and engaged, click the links below.

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For the items below, the public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. If you know citizens who live near these projects, please share this press release.

Items for the June 20, 2012 Planning Commission

ZOM-05-12 (Rezoning) is a request by Karen Vallario (owner) to rezone from ‘A’ (Agriculture) district to ‘R-1C’ (Single Family Residential) district on approximately 2 acres located at 9721 SW 72nd Avenue.  The applicant is requesting the new zoning district to bring her property into conformance with the underlying low-density residential land use.  If approved, the new zoning district will allow both manufactured housing as well as custom built single family residences.

ZOX-01-12 (Special Exception) is a request by Clay Sweger of Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc., agent for Radar of Gainesville, Inc., owner, for a special exception to allow materials recovery and recycling in an MS (Manufacturing Services) zoning district on approximately 2.4 acres located at 5008 SW 41st Boulevard.  The applicant is requesting this special exception in order to allow recycling of clean debris and construction materials at their facility on SW 41st Boulevard off of Williston Road.  The Alachua County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) allows such activities only through a special exception (public hearing) process before the Board of County Commissioners.

CPA-07-12 and ZOM-04-12 (Small Scale Land Use Amendment and rezoning) is a request by Clay Sweger of Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc., agent for Meridian Behaviorial Healthcare, owner, for a small scale amendment to the Future Land Use Map 2030 from a ‘Commercial’ land use designation to an ‘Institutional/Medical’ land use designation as well as a rezoning from ‘BH’ (business/highway) district to ‘HM’ (hospital/medical) district on approximately 1.09 acres located at 4170 SW 13th Street.  This parcel (which is located near the corner of Williston Road and SW 13th Street) formerly housed the ‘Gator Lodge’ Motel.  The property was purchased by Meridian Healthcare and is being converted to housing for patients undergoing care at their facility adjacent to this site.  The land use change and subsequent rezoning to ‘Hospital /Medical (HM) district will bring the new use into conformance with Alachua County’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. 

The Alachua County Department of Growth Management encourages public participation in the land use and zoning process.  Information on all of the above items is available for public inspection at the Department of Growth Management, 10 SW 2nd Avenue (3rd Floor), Gainesville, FL 32601.  You may also contact Jerry Brewington (Senior Planner) at the Department of Growth Management at any time by calling 352-374-5249 or by email at

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