Media Release

07-26-12 Development Review Committee Items

Friday, July 20, 2012 4:00 PM
Planning Commission

ALACHUA COUNTY, FL - In order to keep the public well informed on important zoning, land-use and development review issues, Alachua County is augmenting its process of advertising these issues. In addition to legally required efforts, the County will begin sending press releases as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, the County Website, the County newsletter, and on local government access channel 12.

To stay informed and engaged, click the links below.

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Items for the July 26, 2012, 1:30 p.m. Development Review Committee (room 209 of the County Administration Building located at 12 SE 1st Street downtown Gainesville)

Dayton Dock and Boathouse  - A public hearing to consider the Flood Hazard Area Permit  and construction of a new dock and boathouse over 1,000 SF – Located on Lake Santa Fe, Bradford County Tax Parcel Number 06125-0-00100 at 1414 SE 28th Way – Garron Patton - agent Residential. Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Christine Berish at for further information.

Shands Florida Recovery Center - A public hearing to consider the Minor Plan for a  Change of use from hotel to a residential treatment facility on 4.69 acres. Located on Tax Parcel Number 07256-001-000 at 3921 and 4001 SW 13th Street - Causseaux, Hewett & Walpole, Inc. – agents. Hospital Medical Zoning; Institutional/Medical Future Land Use,  ZOM-01-12, CPA-02-12. Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Christine Berish at for further information.

Fairbanks Church of God by Faith - A public hearing to consider the Revised Final Development Plan and request for an exception from the requirement to connect to water and sanitary sewer for the construction of a 5,000SF sanctuary on 5.15 acres.  Located on Tax Parcel Numbers 07836-032-001, 07836-050-006, and 07872-003-007 at 6901 NE 57th ST - Alison Fetner, P.E. – agent.  Agriculture (A) and Manufacturing and Processing Industrial (MP) Zoning; Rural/Agriculture, Heavy Industrial, Future Land Use. Please contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 374-5249 or Leslie McLendon at for further information.

View the Development Review Committee Agenda.



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