Commercial Recycling & Garbage

Business Services
Business Services

Reducing, reusing, recycling and buying recycled doesn't end at home. Learn how to be a Waste Watcher at Work too!

Waste Alternatives offers the commercial community educational tools, resources and expertise on programs, such as our complimentary waste survey. These are designed to increase commercial waste reduction, assume cost savings and comply with the Alachua County mandatory commercial recycling ordinance.

Being a Waste Watcher at Work...
Being a Waste Watcher at Work...
  • ​Helps your business comply with the mandatory commercial recycling ordinance 
  • Helps protect the environment for the enjoyment and use of future generations in Alachua County 
  • Saves your business money by reducing quantities of materials needed, such as paper saves energy by using materials made by more energy-efficient methods conserves natural resources

​Recycling Container Program

Clearstream recycling bin ready to receive recyclables
​Thank you for taking the initiative to increase recycling at your event or gathering.

There is NO fee to borrow the containers and we will provide enough bags for your event; however, you are responsible for transporting the recyclables to a proper recycling facility.

Remember to communicate with guests so they may contribute to making your recycling program a success.

RECYCLE: Metal/aluminum cans, plastic bottles, drink cartons

NO: Plastic, paper, or Styrofoam cups

ClearStream Use: Tips & Instructions

  1. ​When plotting out the areas, include where ClearStreams and other garbage units will be placed. ClearStreams should always be placed next to normal garbage containers.
  2. Make sure they are located in visible and appropriate areas. Place near food vendors and sporadically throughout the event. 
  3. Train Volunteers. Teach them to properly secure bags and attach lids to the frame. Make sure the supervisors are trained on how to get them on/off the frames and they in turn will train their support staff. Please see diagram below or on bag for instructions, or visit the Clear Stream website at
  4. Make sure volunteers are collecting and replacing bags when they are 2/3 full.
  5. Keep the lids clean by wiping them down with rags as necessary.
  6. You are responsible for transporting the recyclables to a proper recycling facility. 
Clearstream instructions


Mandatory Commercial Recycling
Mandatory Commercial Recycling

Items required to be commercially recycled in Alachua County

Alachua County has a mandatory commercial recycling program for commercial properties by Alachua County Code Section 75.302.​

Commercial ​Property owners are required to provide recycling facilities and the opportunity to recycle for tenants. Recycling facilities should be set-up to accept the following items if found in the property's waste stream.

  • steel cans
  • aluminum cans with a volume up to 2.5 gallons
  • glass containers with a volume up to 2.5 gallons
  • plastic bottles, jars and butter/yogurt tubs with a volume up to 2.5 gallons
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • office paper
  • corrugated cardboard

Mandatory Commercial Recycling Ordinance
Mandatory Commercial Recycling Ordinance

The following is an excerpt from the Alachua County Code of Ordinances regarding the collection of recyclable materials at commercial properties. The Alachua County Code of Ordinances can be found in its entirety at

Sec. 75.302. - Collection service and recycling requirements for commercial property and commercially collected residential property.

For commercial property within the unincorporated area, the county shall make available commercial collection service, the cost of which shall be billed and collected by the permit holder.

  1. An owner of commercial property shall provide for the disposal of solid waste and proper recycling of recyclable material generated on such property at a solid waste management facility either by entering into an agreement with a permit holder or by other lawful means. The owner and the tenant of commercial property shall provide for the “source-separation” of the designated recyclable materials from its solid waste. The owner and tenant of industrial property shall also provide for the source separation of metals and packaging materials. The owner and the tenant of commercial property shall provide for the proper recycling of such recyclable material at a materials processing facility either by entering into an agreement with a permit holder or certified recycler, or by other lawful means. Every property owner shall ensure that all recovered materials shall be placed in a recycling container to minimize contaminating the recovered materials with solid waste so that no more than 25 percent of the weight or volume in the recycling container is solid waste.

  2. Commercially collected residential property. The owner of all commercially collected residential property shall establish a recycling program that is convenient and accessible to the residents for recycling of designated recyclable materials. The owner shall provide recycling containers of at least a 90 gallon capacity and shall provide a sufficient number of containers for capacity equal or greater than 90 gallons for each 20 dwelling units on the property.

  3. Location of containers. Every property owner shall keep all recycling containers in a safe, accessible location as agreed to by the permit holder and customer. Recycling containers on parcels consisting of multi-family dwelling units shall be placed adjacent to the commercial service container for the collection of solid waste, or at an alternate location approved by the county manager and shall be convenient to the residents’ use thereof. In the event an appropriate location cannot be agreed upon, or is not convenient to residents’ use, the county manager shall designate the location.

  4. Maintenance of containers. If a permit holder or certified recycler provides recycling containers to its customers, the permit holder or certified recycler shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of the container. Customers who acquire their own containers from any other source are responsible for ensuring that the container can be serviced by the permit holder’s or certified recycler’s equipment and for the proper maintenance of the container, except that any damage done by the permit holder or certified recycler shall be the responsibility of the permit holder or certified recycler.


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