

Energy conservation and efficiency offers the largest, most cost-effective opportunity for businesses to reduce the enormous financial, health, and environmental impacts associated with burning fossil fuels. Buildings consume about 40 percent of the world’s energy. Major electric use in commercial buildings goes to heating, cooling, and lighting. To get the most savings, prioritize conservation first and efficiency second, looking for no-cost and low-cost solutions with immediate benefits and short payback times.

  • Maintenance
    • Contact your local utility provider and ask for free energy audit
    • They may provide you with no to low-cost ways to save money through best practices or rebates
    • Keep all equipment clean and maintained such as air filters
  • Lighting
    • Use daylight if possible and then compact fluorescent light bulbs or new light emitting diodes (led bulbs)
    • Install lighting sensors to automatically turn lighting on and off in space that is less used
  • Heating and Cooling
    • Set your thermostat to a 78 F in the Summer and 68 F in the Winter
    • Invest in Energy Star Equipment
  • Equipment
    • Optimize energy settings on computers, monitors and other electronics
    • Unplug devices that are not in use and utilize power strips
    • Reduce the amount of equipment in use: consolidate several printers into one efficient multi-use device

After investing $76,000 in more efficient light bulbs and lighting equipment, Alachua County is saving more than $220,000 a year over five years.
