The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) for the Gainesville Urbanized Area will conduct a hybrid virtual meeting at the County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville) on October 25, 2021. The meeting begins at 3 p.m.
The public may make comments to the MTPO in person or by calling 1-800-741-8011. If attending in person, masks are strongly recommended for those not vaccinated. The public may view the meeting on Cox Channel 12 and on the County’s
Video on Demand website.
Items of interest on the Agenda include:
- Special Presentation - American Planning Association Florida Chapter Award
- Transportation Improvement Program Amendments
- Florida Department of Transportation Tentative Five-Year Work Program 2022-23 to 2026-27
- Strategic Intermodal System Policy Plan Update - Presentation and Virtual Room Announcement
Items of interest in the Consent Agenda at this Meeting include:
- 2022 Meeting Schedule
- Engagement Letter for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Audit
- Proposed Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-21
- Safety Performance Measures and Targets
- Revised Section 5305(d) Grant Application and Public Transportation Agreement
- Unified Planning Work Program Amendment
- Resolution 2021-09 Grant Applications Letters of Support
- Intergovernmental Coordination and Review and Public Transportation Coordination Agreement
- Staff Services Agreement
- Transportation Alternatives Program/Safe Routes to School Application Notices
- Florida Department of Transportation Statewide Mobility Week
- State Road 121 (NW 34th Street) Midblock Crossing at Loblolly Park Entrance Query - Status Report
- Transportation Disadvantaged Program - Resolutions of Appreciation
- Transportation Disadvantaged Program - Transportation Disadvantaged Board Appointments
- Transportation Disadvantaged Program - Status Report
The MTPO is responsible for the continuing, comprehensive and cooperative urban transportation planning program for the Gainesville Metropolitan Area. This planning program is required in order to receive federal and state funds for transportation projects. Voting members consist of the five Alachua County Commissioners and the Mayor and the six City of Gainesville Commissioners. Non-voting members are The University of Florida President’s designee, a Rural Advisor designated by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization and the Florida Department of Transportation District 2 Secretary’s designee. Staff services are provided by the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council.
For more information, please contact Scott Koons at 352.955.2200, ext. 101.