311 Rumor Control Activated at 5 PM

Correction: Those calling from outside Alachua County should call 352-264-6557.​

The 311 Rumor Control phone number will be activated at 5 p.m. today (This is a call in, not text, phone number. Use this number to stay updated on issues which arise as a result of the Richard Spencer speaking event at the University of Florida (UF) on Thursday, October 19, 2017.

UF is updating their Free Speech website as information becomes available. It is also a good resource for more information about the Richard Spencer event. UF updates its information line 1-866-UF FACTS (1-866-833-2287) as new information is available, and UF security information can be found on theUF Police Department website.

Up-to-the-minute updates on bus schedules can be found on the Regional Transit System website.

Any additional questions should be emailed to public-affairs@ufl.edu.

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