August Commercial Horticulture Programs

The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce the following Commercial Horticulture programs for August 2024. These programs are being offered by Commercial Horticulture Agent Dr. Tatiana Sanchez-Jones.

Basics of Landscaping in Florida (in English) – Aug. 15, from noon to 1 p.m. This is a Zoom webinar.

During this webinar, participants learn basic concepts about developing sustainable landscapes in Florida, such as planting the right plant in the right place, keeping plants at the proper height, and following mowing and pruning best practices. Attendees will be eligible to receive one free printed copy of The Basics of Landscaping in Florida upon attending the full webinar and completing a post-webinar survey.

Those who hold an FDACS pesticide applicator license can attend this webinar to receive one Continued Education Unit (CEU) in any of the following categories: Commercial (PCO) Lawn and Ornamental, Limited Commercial Landscape Management (LCLM), Limited Lawn and Ornamental (LLO), and Ornamental and Turf (OT).

There is no registration fee to attend the webinar, but participants must register online

Basics of Landscaping in Florida (in Spanish only) - Conceptos Básicos de Paisajismo en la Florida – Agosto 22, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

Este seminario web cubrirá los conceptos básicos para el desarrollo de paisajes sostenibles en Florida. 1 unidad de educación continua (CEU por sus siglas en ingles) en cualquiera de las siguientes categorías: Control de plagas comerciales césped y ornamentales (Pest Control Operator L&O), Certificación limitada de mantenimiento comercial de paisajes (Limited Comercial Landscape Maintenance), Certificación limitada para césped y ornamentales (Limited Lawn and Ornamental), y Ornamentales y césped (Ornamental and Turf).

Los participantes del seminario web podrán recibir una copia gratuita de “Los conceptos básicos del paisajismo en Florida", al asistir al seminario web completo y completar una encuesta posterior al seminario web.

Regístrese gratis aqui

For more information about these programs, contact Dr. Tatiana Sanchez-Jones of the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County office at 352-955-2402 or Visit the extension office website for additional programs offered by the extension office. 

An Equal Opportunity Institution. Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Andra Johnson, dean for UF/IFAS Extension. Single copies of extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county extension offices.

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