Citizens Needed for Citizen Climate Advisory Committee

​​The Joint Water and Climate Policy Board is seeking applications to fill five openings in the Citizen Climate Advisory Committee (CCAC). The CCAC currently meets in person on the third Monday of each month in the Grace Knight Conference Room on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st St., Gainesville). The deadline to apply is July 12, 2024.

The Joint Water and Climate Policy Board is tentatively scheduled to select new CCAC members at its next meeting at 1 p.m. on August 5, 2024. The meeting agenda and backup materials, including information on candidates up for selection, will be available online at Advisory Boards. During the public comment portion of the August 5 meeting, members of the public will have the opportunity to provide their input on candidates.

The CCAC provides an opportunity for citizen involvement in climate change issues and concerns affecting Alachua County, the City of Gainesville, and the surrounding municipalities. The committee advises the Joint Water and Climate Policy Board on bold and innovative climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, policies, and target goals. The primary task of the CCAC is to advise on the creation of a countywide Climate Action Plan that will guide policy and decision-making in multiple jurisdictions. The committee also engages with relevant stakeholders, agencies, non-profits, and the community to ensure that neighborhoods and communities that are most impacted or disadvantaged by climate change are taken into account in the development of policy recommendations and action strategies.

The committee assists the County, the City of Gainesville, and other municipalities within Alachua County in the promotion of greater community awareness of climate-related issues and involvement in government climate resiliency initiatives. Terms are usually for three years. 

“I’ve enjoyed working on the CCAC over the past four years and I encourage others that are interested in finding solutions to address our climate crisis to apply to this committee,” says Jennison Kipp Searcy, CCAC Chair. 

Interested residents may apply online (click on the Vacancies tab and scroll down the page to the Citizen Climate Advisory Committee). 

For more information, contact Stephen Hofstetter, County Liaison to the CCAC at 352-264-6811.

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