Earl P. Powers Park Reopens

Earl P. Powers Park (5910 S.E. Hawthorne Rd, Gainesville) on Newnans Lake has reopened after repairing much of the damage caused by Hurricane Irma. The boat ramp, parking lot, and restrooms are now open and accessible, although the playground and fishing pier remain closed.

High water in Newnans Lake following Irma unseated the dock at the boat ramp and allowed floating vegetation in the canal to block lake access. The dock has been rebuilt, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has removed most of the vegetation.

More work will be required before the park is fully operational. Soils along the canal banks remain too soft to permit the final clearing of debris and the repair of picnic and playground facilities. These portions of the park will remain off-limits to the public until restoration is complete.

For more information, contact Alachua County Parks and Conservation Lands Director Charlie Houder at 352-264-6804 or chouder@alachuacounty.us.

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