Hurricane Irma Update Animal Services Onsite Sheltering and Crate Needs


Alachua County Animal Services will be open tomorrow, September 10, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for drop-off pet sheltering. If pet friendly shelters are full and you have no other refuge, you may drop your pet off before going to a general population shelter. It is likely that our pet friendly shelters will be full on the morning of September 10th.

Alachua County Animal Services has a desperate need for animal crates for use in our emergency shelters to keep animals and people safe. Crates need to be at least 30 inches long. Folding wire crates are best. Please bring crates to the Animal Services facility located at 3400 NE 53rd Ave. Gainesville, or any of the Alachua County Emergency Shelters.

For more information call 352-264-6870 or the 311 Emergency Information Line.

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