Local Government Infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Board Vacancies

The Alachua County Commission is seeking applications to fill one Citizen at Large (term ending September 30, 2024) and one Alternate (term ending September 30, 2027) position vacancy for the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Board. The Oversight Board meets at least quarterly, or more often as necessary, on the fourth Monday at 5:30 p.m. The application deadline is May 19, 2023. 

The Oversight Board duties:

  • Assure citizens and elected officials that all Surtax Revenues, including those expended by the County and each municipality, are expended only for the purposes authorized by Ordinance 16-07 and Ordinance 2022-08, respectively.
  • Track overall expenditure of the Surtax Revenues.
  • The Oversight Board may perform a pre-expenditure review of proposed Surtax Revenue expenditures and projects at the request of the municipalities or the County and advise them if they are surtax eligible. 
  • The Oversight Board shall review Surtax Revenue expenditures and shall provide a written financial report of said expenditures for presentation to the Board on at least a quarterly basis. The Oversight Board Liaison shall present the Oversight Board’s financial report to the Board.  
  • If the Oversight Board believes that a project or expenditure of a municipality or the County is not an eligible use of Surtax Revenue or that additional information is necessary to make a determination, the Oversight Board may perform an in-depth audit of the expenditure(s) and request that the municipality or County making the expenditure provide additional supporting documentation. If the Oversight Board determines that Surtax Revenue was expended on an ineligible project or use, the Oversight Board Liaison shall notify the staff of the offending municipality or County and advise them of the deficiencies to allow the appropriate staff to review and correct issues associated with the expenditure. If the offending municipality or County does not report to the Oversight Board by the next regularly scheduled Oversight Board meeting, the steps being taken to remedy the identified deficiencies, then the Oversight Board may immediately report its findings to the Board of County Commissioners, as well as the governing body of the offending municipality, if applicable. If the Oversight Board finds that the municipality or the County is not taking appropriate steps to remedy the identified deficiencies, then the Oversight Board may immediately report its findings to the Board of County Commissioners, as well as the governing body of the offending municipality, if applicable. If the Board of County Commissioners determines that Surtax Revenue was inappropriately used for ineligible expenditures, the Board of County Commissioners shall demand repayment and may take all steps necessary to effectuate that demand.

Complete the online application form​ (Click on the apply link in the upper right corner.). The link also has the Board details and the member roster.

For more information, contact Alachua County Assistant County Manager - Chief of Staff Gina Peebles at 352-538-8265 or gpeebles@alachuacounty.us.

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