Alachua County, the City of Gainesville (City), the Gainesville Housing Authority, and the Alachua County Housing Authority have collaborated to complete the draft of the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirement under the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. The AFH is required of all communities and states that receive federal funding, as well as all public housing authorities. Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 5.154, the AFH includes an analysis of fair housing data, an assessment of fair housing issues and contributing factors, and an identification of fair housing priorities and goals specific to the Alachua County region. Fair housing issues include segregation, racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty and disparities in access to opportunity for protected classes, and disproportionate housing needs for any protected class within the region.
Part of the HUD requirements includes a 45-day public comment period on the Draft AFH, including the strategies and goals. A copy of the Draft AFH will be available for public inspection and comment for 45 days beginning now and ending November 30, 2017. Copies of the Draft AFH will be available, during regular business hours, at the following locations:
- Alachua County Community Support Services Office, 218 S.E. 24th St.
- Housing & Community Development Office, 306 N.E. 6th Ave., The Thomas Center, Bldg. B, Rm. 245
- Clerk of the City Commission Office, 200 East University Ave., City Hall
- Downtown Library, 401 East University Ave.
- Cone Park Library, 2801 East University Ave.
- Library Partnership, 1130 N.E. 16th Ave.
- Gainesville Housing Authority Office, 1900 S.E. 4th St.
- Alachua County Housing Authority Office, 703 N.E. 1st St.
Citizens can also view the document online.
Written comments on the AFH will be accepted until November 30, 2017. All comments received by November 30, 2017, will be addressed in the final AFH.
For more information, or to submit written comments, contact John Wachtel at 352-393-8565 or