Preliminary FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps


Periodically, the Department of Homeland Security provides funding to FEMA to reissue the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and execute new detailed studies in selected areas. The FIRM is used by insurance brokers and housing lenders to determine the risk of flooding and to set the premium for flood insurance. New FIRM maps are being developed for Alachua County, the City of Gainesville and surrounding communities. The Santa Fe River, covering most of the North Western portion of the County, including North West Gainesville, is available for public review. FEMA has started a 90-day public comment and appeals period that ends Wednesday, October 11, 2017.

Those who would like to look up their property and view the current FIRM, as well as the proposed change, should visit the online map viewer.

The adoption of the new RiskMap FIRM for the Santa Fe River basin is not anticipated until the summer of 2018. Until they are adopted by the County Commission, the current FIRM, dated June 16, 2006, is still in effect (thus it is important to maintain current insurance coverage).

For more information, contact the Alachua County Public Works Department at 352-374-5245.

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