Request for Proposals: Public-Private Partnership for a County Administration Building RFP 22-319-LS

The Alachua County Commission has received an unsolicited proposal for the design, finance, construction, operation, and maintenance of the County Administration Building. The County has determined that the unsolicited proposal is sufficient for consideration on a preliminary basis and will accept other proposals for the same project during this notification period. 

Additional information on the project, including submittal instructions, is available on the County's Solicitation Opportunities Alachua County Procurement website

All questions regarding this project should be submitted via the question and answer tab in the County’s e-Procurement Public Portal.

Entities wishing to submit proposals for the project may do so via the County’s e-Procurement Public Portal  PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (P3) FOR A COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. RFP 22-319-LS
Proposals will be ranked in order of preference by the County. In ranking the proposals, the County will consider the factors set forth in the submittal instructions.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or as provided under Section 255.065, Florida Statutes, to award and negotiate an interim agreement and/or comprehensive agreement with the proposer whose proposal best serves the interests of the County. Nothing contained in this notice is intended to be an obligation or binding agreement by the County regarding the project, or any commitment by the County to enter into any final agreement regarding the project.

The County's Cone of Silence will be in effect from the initial advertisement of this notice. All communications regarding the project must be submitted via the question and answer tab in the County’s e-Procurement Public Portal. All proposals and related information received will be subject to the applicable provisions of the Florida Public Records Law.

Anyone with a disability and requiring an accommodation to participate in Alachua County's procurement process, please contact the Division of Procurement at 352.374.5202. TDD/TTY users, please call 711 (Florida Relay System). In accordance with the ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 

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