Alachua County is giving notice that the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Annual Report for State Fiscal Years 2014-2015 (close out), 2015-2016 (interim) and 2016-2017 (interim) is drafted and is available to the public for review and comments until August 31, 2017.
A copy of the proposed report is available for review in the SHIP Office (218 S.E. 24th St, Gainesville).
All jurisdictions participating in the SHIP Program must submit an annual report of its local affordable housing program expenditures, leveraging, and beneficiary characteristics (demographics). Annual reports include the close out year and two interim years. The SHIP Annual Report will be sent to Florida Housing Finance Corporation upon approval by the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners.
Any written comments regarding the proposed annual report should be sent to:
Stephen Weeks
SHIP Administrator
218 S.E. 24th Street
Gainesville, Florida 32641
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Written public comments must identify the author by name, address, and interest affected. The County will attach a copy of all such written comments and its responses to the annual report submitted to the Housing Finance Corporation.
For more information, contact the Alachua County Housing Programs Office at 352-337-6284.