COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Expansion: Health Department Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccination Registrations

​This press release published at the request of the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County.

“Expanding the eligibility criteria for COVID-19 vaccines is an exciting milestone in our community’s battle against COVID-19,” stated Paul Myers, Administrator of the Alachua County Health Department. “The benefits of receiving this safe and effective vaccine, developed through a rigorous and transparent process, is a significant step towards a return to normal.”

Effective Monday, March 29, 2021, those 40 years of age and older are eligible to receive the vaccine, and this qualification expands to those 18 and older on Monday, April 5, 2021. All Alachua County residents 18 years of age and older who have not registered at are encouraged to do so immediately. Once you are eligible, the system will automatically send you text and email alerts inviting you to make an appointment at a time and clinic location that is most convenient. If you are already registered, there is no need to do so again. If you have already been vaccinated, then please visit the site to opt-out of notifications.

For more information, visit

The mission of the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County is to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, & community efforts

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