Commissioner Ken Cornell Appointed to Four Florida Association of Counties Committees

Alachua County Commissioner Ken Cornell has been tapped by the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) to serve on four policy committees, including the FAC Presidents Select Committee on Broadband as well as the Federal Affairs, Water, and Health and Safety committees.

FAC’s standing committees are tasked with developing and recommending an annual statewide legislative platform for Florida's counties based on each of the issue areas under their jurisdiction. These are in addition to Cornell’s recent appointment to the FAC Board of Directors. 

“Ken has demonstrated great diligence, work ethic, and strategic thinking during his tenure with FAC,” says FAC Executive Director Ginger Delegal, “I am confident he will play a crucial role in tackling the critical issues before these committees.”

“I am honored that my colleagues from around the state have placed this trust in me by electing me to the Board and appointing me to these committees,” Cornell commented. “These committees address many of the issues I am passionate about and that have a direct impact on our citizens.”

Founded in 1929, the Florida Association of Counties has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that communities and their local leaders should make the decisions that impact their community. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education, and collaboration.

For more information, contact FAC Director of External Affairs Cragin Mosteller at 850-294-9307.

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