Single-member districts
The County Commission voted to place a referendum on the 2024 general election ballot that asks voters whether they would like to rescind the 2022 narrow passage of single-member districts.
The change would allow commissioners to be elected at-large by all voters around Alachua County instead of people only being allowed to vote for one elected leader who resides in their same district.
Those who spoke in favor of the change pointed to a misinformation campaign that quoted prominent Black leaders out of context to claim they supported single-member districts for Alachua County, despite their publicly stated opposition.
If passed, the change would take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
Watch the discussion.
Disaster recovery
Alachua County’s Director of Emergency Management Jen Grice provided the commission with a presentation on its post-disaster recovery plan.
Following a disaster, Grice’s office notifies residents and gathers data to do a needs assessment for damages and unmet needs. Based on the information gathered, the office then helps with obtaining state and federal assistance.
The county’s disaster recovery centers, in partnership with FEMA and local libraries, are set up for applications for disaster assistance, low-interest loans for individuals and small businesses, veteran services, WIC and SNAP information, counseling and driver’s license replacements. The county also assists with temporary housing/shelters for those in need.
Hurricane season starts June 1 and runs through Nov. 30. It is expected to be more active than normal.
To subscribe to important emergency updates in your area, text “Alachua” to 888-777. Visit for more information.
Watch the discussion.
Public records
The commission adopted a new policy regarding public records that details the costs of producing records, retention, redactions, destruction and other provisions.
Previously, record requests fell under the County Manager’s Office. The County Attorney’s Office now handles requests.
The policy, which reaffirms the Board of County Commissioner’s commitment to producing records in compliance with Florida Statute Ch. 119, also requires vendors to comply with the county’s rules on retention of records for future requests. It aligns the cost of those records from a vendor with the county’s costs, potentially saving citizens money during the process.
Last month, the county attorney’s office had 114 requests and provided over 2,200 records.
Watch the discussion.
Commissioner Ken Cornell presented a proclamation from the County Commission declaring May 2024 as International Internal Audit Awareness Month in Alachua County.

Read the proclamation.
Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler presented a proclamation to declare May 19-25 as National Public Works Week in Alachua County.

Read the proclamation.
The County Commission also declared May 2024 as National Drug Court Month in Alachua County. Commissioner Anna Prizzia presented the proclamation.

Read the proclamation.
Watch the presentations.
See the full May 14 agenda and video.