Highlights of the November 14, 2023 County Commission Meeting

The “Commission Meeting Highlights” is a new feature produced by the Communications Office.  These highlights will give residents a quick review of the twice-monthly Commission meetings and provide video and agenda links.  

New chair, vice-chair elected

County commissioners elected Mary Alford as chair of the board and Charles Chestnut as vice-chair. Alford will preside over meetings in her new role, while Chestnut will serve in her absence.

"I don't have any worries about the fact that we will continue to work together as a good team on the dais with great respect for each other," Alford said. "I have great respect for everybody up here, and I can't think of anybody right now that I'd rather have as vice chair than Chuck. I'm excited about this opportunity."

Commissioner Anna Prizzia was also honored for her time as chair and presented a plaque from Clerk of the Court J.K. "Jess" Irby.

"Thank you for the opportunity to serve as chair," Prizzia said. "It is a difficult job … but is also a very rewarding job, and it really does kind of round out my education, if you will, I think, in terms of what it means to be a commissioner and how our county functions, how our county operates."

Permanent supportive housing site purchased

At Tuesday's regular meeting, the board approved the purchase of the Scottish Inn, located at 4341 SW 13th St. in Gainesville, for $1.77 million. The purchase includes an additional 2.5 acres of property that could later be used for future permanent supportive housing. 

The funds were made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and come at no additional cost to county taxpayers. The cost to renovate the property has already been set aside in the county's emergency rental assistance program.

After closing on the property, the motel will be slated for renovation, design, and construction, creating 31 units for people in 2025 as part of the county's permanent housing program. 

"Converting older motels into permanent housing is a nationwide best practice that we're working toward," said Claudia Tuck, the county's director of community support services.

Small farmer's grant expanded

The county also updated its methodology for its smaller farmer grant program, which awards up to $5,000 to farms around Alachua County.

The change ensures a wider pool of applicants is selected to help small-scale farmers purchase necessary equipment and infrastructure. Qualifying operations include those who produce meat, honey, vegetables, fruit, and more. So far, the program has provided $52,494 across 17 local farms, with future pending payments scheduled.

From February through April 2024, the county will begin accepting applications for the next round of grant recipients. Selections will be made by the commission soon after.

Fresh Food Pathways moves forward

County staff then provided the commission with an update on its Fresh Food Pathways program, which is designed to expand infrastructure for food access and accessibility to local institutions, businesses, and underserved communities.

Commissioners gave the go-ahead to issue a request for proposal (RFP) to seek multiple partners who could further the program's reach and make it sustainable long term. Staff will bring back recommendations and solutions in March for what some of those community-based solutions could be to address food security and access-based community feedback further.

"This is about building a sustainable, regional, local food system," said Commissioner Prizzia, board champion of community food issues. 

Hospice and Palliative Care Month proclamation

The commission also declared November 2023 as Hospice and Palliative Care Month in Alachua County. 

Meeting video and agenda

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