Limited Reopening of Public Pools

​​The Alachua County Commission has released Emergency Order 2020-23 authorizing the limited reopening of public pools. 

Below are the highlights of the order:

1. Outside pools which are open to the public and those which are part of multi-family residential communities may reopen.

2. The pools shall meet the standards set by the CDC and Florida Administrative Code §64E-9.004 for disinfectant level.

3. All seating and tables around any pool shall be set up with social distancing of at least 6 feet between groupings and fixed in some way so they cannot be easily rearranged.

4. Activity in pools shall be limited to activities with social distancing and occupancy of 1 person per 100 square feet of water surface. Groupings outside the pool shall be limited to no more than 10 individuals.

5. The owners/operators of these pools shall post signs explaining these rules and monitor the pool for compliance with the health standards and use limitations on a reasonable basis.

6. Pool houses and locker rooms must limit their occupancy to 1 person per 500 square feet and shall ensure that surfaces within businesses are disinfected in accordance with applicable CDC guidelines. Employees working in pool houses, locker rooms, around pools and in similar areas shall wear facial coverings.

7. Severability. Any provision(s) within this Emergency Order that conflict(s) with any State or Federal law or constitutional provision, including the State’s preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition codified in section 790.33, Florida Statutes or conflict(s) with or are superseded by a current or subsequently-issued Executive Order of the Governor or the President of the United States, shall be deemed inapplicable and deemed to be severed from this Emergency Order, with the remainder of the Emergency Order remaining intact and in full force and effect. To the extent application of some or all the provisions of this Emergency Order is prohibited on the sovereign land of a federally or state recognized sovereign Indian tribe, such application is expressly excluded from this Emergency Order.

8. Effective Date; This Order takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on 5/9/20.

9. This Emergency Order applies to incorporated and unincorporated areas within Alachua County, but has no application outside of Alachua County. Municipalities have the authority to enforce this Order within their jurisdiction.

For more information, contact Alachua County Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979 or

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