
Veteran Services Appointments
Veteran Services Appointments

The following appointments are available to serve your needs:

  1. Pension Appointment
    This appointment explains and assists with the claims process to file for pension benefits. This tax-free benefit is available to eligible Veterans and their spouses or widows if they served one day during a war.  Pension eligibility requirements include:
    • Veterans must have served at least 90 days of active duty service
    • Veterans must be over 65 or medically qualified
    • There are some financial eligibility requirements.

  2. Compensation Appointment
    This appointment educates Veterans on the development of compensation claims.  This is also a tax-free benefit paid to Veterans with disabilities that are a result of disease or injury incurred or aggravated during active military service.

To schedule an appointment, please call Veteran Services at 352-264-6740.

Other Services
Other Services

This office receives a copy of every Alachua County Veterans DD 214 (military discharge paper) who uses this county as their home of record upon entering the military. These DD 214's are kept on file and are available for copying if needed.

Certain benefits carry over immediately after discharge and expire within a short timeframe. For instance, a Veteran has 90 days from discharge to register with the VA Hospital for a one-time dental examination (if not provided by the military before discharge) and treatment.  A Veteran has 120 days to convert their Service Group Life Insurance over to Veterans Group Life Insurance.  It is recommended that a Veteran contact our office to discuss these and other benefits shortly after they are discharged from active duty.

These benefits made be applied for through face-to-face in office interviews or home/hospital/nursing home visitations. Call and speak with a counselor to determine which interview process best suites you.

Benefits Assistance
Benefits Assistance

Veteran Claims Counselors assist in filing for many benefits administered by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, the Florida Department of Veteran's Affairs or Alachua County.  These benefits include but are not limited to the following:

  • Adaptive Equipment: grants for home improvements for severely disabled
  • Aid and Attendance: assistance for those confined to home/hospital/nursing home
  • Appeals: guidance in appealing any decision made by the VA
  • Automobile Grants: grants for auto equipment for severely disabled
  • Burial Benefits: assistance with burial/plot expenses
  • Clothing Allowance: annual clothing assistance for service connected disabled Veterans
  • Death/Widows Pension: financial assistance for surviving spouses of wartime Veterans
  • Dependents Benefits: extra benefits for children of disabled Veterans
  • Disability Compensation: financial assistance for those injured in line of duty
  • Education Benefits: guidance in applying for higher education benefits
  • Home Loans: assistance in receiving certificate of eligibility
  • Hospital/Medical Care: assistance in enrolling with VA Medical Care
  • Pension Benefits: financial assistance for eligible wartime era Veterans
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: training for employment/education     

If any accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 or (352) 374-5284 TDD.​​


  • Candie Nixon
  • Assistant Director
  • John Henry Thomas, M.D. Center
  • 218 SE 24th Street
  • Gainesville, FL 32641
  • Phone: 352-264-6740
  • Fax: 352-548-3746
  • TDD/TTY users, please call 711 (Florida Relay Service)

    • Mission

      To provide professional assistance and advocacy to the Veterans of Alachua County, their eligible dependents and survivors in securing all entitled/eligible Veterans' benefits earned through honorable military service.

    • Goal

      To assist Alachua County Vet​erans, their dependents and survivors to efficiently and effectively apply for any Veteran Benefits that they may qualify for.

